Een lidmaatschap bij Hands For Freedom is geldig tot 31 december van elk kalenderjaar en kost 50 €. Het lidmaatschap kan jaarlijks hernieuwd worden.
Alle particulieren, ondernemingen en verenigingen kunnen lid worden.
A membership of Hands For Freedom is valid until December 31 of each calendar year and costs 50 €. Membership can be renewed annually.
All Individuals, companies and associations can become members. Members form the support structure of a non-profit organization. More members means we can take a stronger stand.
To become a member(*), use the button on this page. Members receive regular newsletters about the activities of the non-profit organization and the actions that are undertaken, but also ensure that the non-profit organization can pay its running costs and invest in manpower and assistance.
Thank you in advance for your membership and see you soon !
(*) Your data are confidential and will not be communicated to third parties.